a tale of delegation and true love
If you don’t think you’ll be able to give up control, let me introduce you to my orange living room: a tale of delegation and true love.
When I started spending 4 days a week in Chicago, my husband was left with the tremendous responsibility of caring for our home, kids, and dog alone. I knew I was going to have to be ok with things not being done exactly the way I would have done them. Which was fine when we were just talking about which way toilet paper should roll, but very different when it comes to home decor.
When I started going to Chicago, my husband painted our living room *orange*.
And, yes, it’s the orange you’re hoping it’s not.
You don’t have time to do everything. As much of a powerhouse superhero as you are, you need to delegate little stuff so you can focus on the stuff that matters.
It’s hard to give up control over something you think you can do better, or more efficiently, or the right way, but you’re don’t actually have time for that nonsense. Delegate what you can and go about your business making the world a better place. Or making gobs of money. Or building an empire.
I promise, that’s a much better use of your energy.
How are you delegating today so you can be amazing???