It doesn’t have to be this way.

Here are some facts: women have left the workforce in droves. Overwhelmingly, when working parents are called home to take care of the kids, it's the MOM, not the Dad, who gets the call and takes time away.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Mothers are not the only parent capable of staying home.

Women need partners who will push them forward and encourage them to go after their dreams. If you want to have a career and a family, you can do that. You deserve a supportive husband who is willing to stay home while you earn the big bucks.

There is no single right way to raise a family. Each family decides what works best for their wants and needs. But it’s time to let go of the expectation that it has to be mothers who cut back on work, that mothers should take care of the home and the children.

Let’s create new expectations. Mothers should be visible in the workforce. We should have supportive spouses who push us in whatever direction we want to go. Fathers can stay home too.

#YoudeserveaGHOAT #GreatestHusbandofAllTime #GHOAT


My word for 2023 is ADVENTURE.


Ok, tell me: What BHAG is closer than you think?????