Want to Get What You Want? Read On!

"' You know the number one way people get what they want? They ask." -Betty Lark Ross 🤯 This is literally the best advice I've ever gotten, and it changed the trajectory of my whole life. [pause for dramatic effect.]

IT'S TRUE! Many years ago, I was grumbling to my high school art teacher, mentor and all-around powerhouse hero Betty Lark Ross about not getting something I really wanted- probably something super-dumb like a date with a boy- and when she couldn't take it anymore, she dropped this truth-bomb. Until you ask the question, the answer is always 'no'. That was a pivotal moment, and since then I've voiced my desire for all kinds of things. I wanted to be a speaker, so I asked conference organizers if I could present. I wanted my career to be big-time, so I asked for big-time roles.

And when I saw the GHOAT for the first time, I asked if I could buy him a drink. 😂 (GHOAT= Greatest Husband Of All Time.) What are you asking for? What are you doing today that you couldn't have done without raising your hand for it? hashtag#executivemotherhood hashtag#GHOAT hashtag#encouraging hashtag#womenunited hashtag#goforit hashtag#LatinAlumni hashtag#Latinschoolofchicago hashtag#GoRomans




The Thing that Makes me Brave