The Thing that Makes me Brave

In my deepest, most private thoughts, I'm rooting for you. And it's making me BRAVE! Leah Roe got me thinking about how important mindset is - she and I share the sentiment that we don't waste time on jealousy or judgment. And we absolutely don't say something encouraging, then turn around and roll our eyes. Nope. We're excited about the women around us and what they're up to, and we want to do whatever we can to lift them up. And it extends to our innermost thoughts. It's not my natural state - I had to work on it over the years. It's easy not to SAY funny, cutting remarks. But is it easy not to THINK them? Heck no.

I've found that it makes me brave. I assume everyone ELSE is cheering me on, too. It doesn't occur to me that someone might doubt or dislike me. Over the last year, I've surprised myself at the BIG RISKS I've taken. But hey, I feel so darn encouraged and supported- they don't really feel like big risks! Do you feel encouraged and supported? Who are your cheerleaders- and is one of them YOU?


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