why don't we ever ask men that question?

A couple of years ago, I heard Amanda Lannert (of Jellyvision fame) respond to a question about how she did everything. And this question must be hard to avoid for someone who is so publicly crushing it AND manages to have a personal life including a partner and children.

She asked, "why don't we ever ask men that question?"

And, while true, we really never see men get asked questions about how he manages to juggle his career and family, I've come to respect this question, especially when it's asked by other women.

Because after semi-demurely answering, "grace and patience" or jokingly answering, "neglect and tablets" in the past month, I've had women say, "NO! I need to know HOW TO DO IT".

Y'all, this is a question about systems and processes. What technologies, organizational techniques, parenting manuals, and delegation are you using to enable success, especially this year?

I want to know.

And also, Amanda Lannert really is the BOSS of all bosses. You should follow her if you are not already. (And @manwhohasitall on Twitter!)

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What's the plan for you and your family this year?


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